Hiya all,
I have had a very full household. You see Scarlet and Zoe, my cousins, got dropped off
Scarlet, as some of you might know, is the tallest of us and is very much into her dad dad..... and in fact we were all worried about how she would go without him.
Scarlet and Zoe brought one of their beds. Here I am tryin' to get a game of bitey face goin' with Scarlet.
Scarlet notices the flashy box and Zoe departs to find something interesting to do or chew.
Zoe relaxing on MY ottoman.
Now mum has a special treat for you. She had a bit of training with my uncie to sign me up with a You-tube account and we have put together a little video of our antics. This video is a hoot - it has everything, growling, bitey face, excited barky face, toy squeaking, me boxing Zoe's ears to try and engage her, her "snapping" and then biting my floofy legs....... oh it's a gem. Oh and the last part of the video shows me and Zoe doin' our special thing......"licky face" - this is something special that only her and me do together.... like loving cousins and all. ENJOY!! It will be like you are there WITH US!
Hope you enjoyed that video. We enjoyed making it!! BOL!
After making that video we were a little pooped. This is me re-energising!
SCARLET: So only two more days before dad dad comes and gets me??
NB: Scarlet was very much waiting for her dad dad by the front door on the first day and into the evening. She did not want to go to sleep because she thought he was going to come for her. We are pleased to report, she was alot calmer after the first night and did not show any more "waiting and wimpy" behaviours.
ZOE: Well except for the flashy box being pushed into our faces.... we actually are having a great time!! Great snacks here too.
Tell em' what you did on the FIRST morning after we got up, Zoe!!
ZOE: I threw up on the Wool Rug in the foyer. Sorry auntie!
That's not very good manners Zoe, lucky mum loves you!!
All in all it was a great visit, and it was cool having two dawgs to play with everyday. We all went on our daily walk too.