Hi ya all,
Some very excitings stuff has happened in the last coupla days....
First my dad dad and I dropped mum off at this big building with glass windows on Monday morning..... and then she came back home at about 9:00pm that day looking a little pale and weary and wearing two of these - one on each paw:
She apparently had a little bit of a "procedure" done but when she came home we went straight to bed so I could nurse her all night. I need to report that she is all betters now.
"Scooter" my pawsonal parcel delivery man brought me a box that afternoon.....
And it seems that Scooter must have been hidin' some parcels because this is a Christmas one!
Ma helped me open it the morning after our big sleep from Hospitals.
Ohhh, I remember this smells!!!! From the night me and my love DEXTER went to the PAWM!!
OOOoooo something colourfuls in this purple tissue paper!
Hey - a squeaky, stuffie froggie - and her back paw smells like my DEX!
See my card and a beautifuls bandanny made special for me by Dex's mum!! That's Dex on the packaging!
My special card :-)
It's a good look isn't it???
Thankyou my Dex and auntie Di - Big Hugs and Licks from ME!!
But - HOLD THE PRESS - Another parcel came this afternoon - ANOTHER one Scooter has been keepin' BACK. (Mental note: I need to have a firm woof with that boy!!!)
It's from my Bloggin' Bro' George The Lad, and Tess and auntie Jan!!!! They all got me something too!!
They sent this great rope toy, doggie treat cookbook (thumbs paws up!!), a cookie cutter and a little cookbook for my ma! How do they know mum collects cookbooks?????
I'm going to paw through the doggie treat book and start circling for ma!! Where is my texta??
Even a neat card!! Thanks George!!!! ;-)
Now this wrapping paper is excellent too!
Hurmmmmpffff! Tear tear!!
See I wore my Dexter bandanny all day - even out on my walk with dad dad!
This is a final picture of MY Christmas Cards sent special to ME!! I prolly got just as many "e-cards" too!! So THANKYOU to all who thought of me!! BIG SCHNAUZER LICKS!!