Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grandpaw got an Owchie!

Here I am with my dad, we have just arrived at Grandpaw's place.

It's still hot today... but not super boiling!

While Grandpaw was moving something heavy to help "block off" some of the garden from us furry Grandkids, it fell on his big toe and there was red stuff coming out from around his big toe nail. Instead of taking him to the vets, mum cleaned up his toe and put a bandaid on it. I am checking that her work is of an acceptable medical quality.

I decided that Grandpaw needed some special attention so I gave him one of my best schnauzer hugs. Get your toe better soon Grandpaw!

Grandpaw and I had some quality time together where we shared some goodies to eat while waiting for his toe to heal. He was drinking some liquids with ice - he reckons it was gonna help him get over the shock of the injury!!? 

Soon, my cousins, Scarlet and Zoe arrived. We did lots of the usual zoomies stuff outside and found appropriate chewing and playing materials. After dinner we came into the loungeroom.

ZOE: Hey, Scarlet, you're not stripping the fuzz off that tennis ball, are ya????!!

SCARLET: Don't know what you're on about little sis, what makes you suggest such things.....geez!

SCARLET: Hey there little sis, you're not on the good leather lounge suite are ya???!!

ZOE: Arrrr, nup, you know we're not supposed to do that!  What are you thinking, Scarlie!!

All I wish is for mum's flashy box to stop flashing, my eyes need a break - so I'm shutting them now!!

We had a good time at Grandpaw's place, and I slept all the way home - mum reckons it's a sign of a good puppy time!


  1. Sounds like a good visit to Grandpaws...except for the outchie, that it.

    pawhugs, Max

  2. We bet your Grandpaw's owchie got all better the moment you gave him some schnauzer hugs. Hey, we see something on Scarlet's tongue!

  3. Jake and Nolan would love nice of you to take such good care of your Grandpaw....

  4. You make a good nurse, Rubie. Hope Grandpaw's toe is better now....teach him to try to restrict where you go.

    It is soooooooo humid here....don't know if it's Yasi or the other floods, but it's draining. Oh, heading for 39, too. Went out at before 6 for our long, early morning walk. Looks like another day of hibernation.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella


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