Monday, April 4, 2011

Nurse Rubie

Hi everyone. You may have noticed not much has been happening on my bloggie lately. It's like this..... I've had to concentrate on my nursing duties for my sickies mum.

This has been my "nurses station" on the end of the couch. When I am not there (a girl needs to occasionally patrol the yard and perimeter fences etc) I make sure that Lenny the Leopard is there to keep her company.

I can't say that it has been a lot of fun..... kinda boring really watching mum be sickies....but we are watching a lot of foxtel and TV together. Another of my jobs is making sure she takes all her pills three times a day, and that she keeps her liquids up. Dad has even had to get into the kitchen more - he is in charge of our breakfasts! I do quality control of her food to make sure it is up to scratch for getting her better. I must say the toast and scrambled eggies are a winner! :-)

Dad's been feeling sorry for me, so he has been taking me out for walks to break the monotony of me watching mum get better.

It's a tough gig - but someone has to do it. We are making inroads...... I can see improvements....after all she turned on the computer for me today so I could knock up this short entry.

Anyway - gotta get back to my Nursing station now.......gotta get mum well again!


  1. what a good nurse you are...hope your Mom is better soon.....

  2. We hope your Mum will get better soon. We know you're a top nurse--and tasting the eggs and toast is an important job!

    (Whisper) keep looking sad eyed at your Dad for more walkies.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. Oh, what a good little puppy. Your mom is so lucky to have you.

  4. Hope you get well soon Rubie's Mom! Poor Rubie...don't look so sad, your mommy will get well soon...

  5. Hope mom gets better real soon! Keep up the good work, Nurse Rubie!
    Cairn cuddles, Oz


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