Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Great Outdoors

Hi everyone. It's being good weather at the moment, only forecast to be 31 degrees C (88 F). So I'm outside this morning - mum has some stuff to do outside as well.

I've finished admiring my long schnauzer shadow - and am thinking about the puss cat across the road.

This lovely young female puss cat was adopted by the nice couple in that house. They found her in their bushes - she had lost her home somehow. After taking it to the local shelter, the couple were told that she would be "put to sleep" after 3 days. They couldn't do it - and elected to take her home. They have a big doggie so she gets the front garden and porch, where as he gets the backyard. They are still looking for a permanent home for her. She has come over to my yard before, but I get too excited - so she doesn't anymore!

Check out the funny mushrooms that grow in our garden!! Like teenage mutant ninja ones!! (Mum made it)

Round to the vegie garden now..... what is THIS?????

Wooooho....... this Tomato is almost as big as my head!

Hey MA!!! There's more long ones in here!!!!!

I like it when mum gives me a little one to roll around.

CHECK OUT WHAT WE PICKED TODAY!!!! PAWSOME HEY??!! I have put one of my tennis balls in the pic for scale.

Look at that haul!  And it's just the beginning! Looks like we are gonna be eating a lot of tomatoes for a few weeks!


  1. What a fantastic crop of tomatoes!

    If that cat came here, we'd chase it. Or at least let it know VERY LOUDLY that it couldn't visit us.

    That was nice of your neighbours to take it in.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. cats don't bother coming around here...with 2 loud schnauzers...Rooster and the bird dog...they stay on the other side of the street...nice tomatoes...

  3. Your Mum is a great gardener! Look at all those tomatoes you've got!!

  4. Oh we are longing for summer weather & fresh tomatoes!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  5. I am so jealous of those fresh tomatoes!

  6. It is 23 degrees F here in Albuquerque NM USA and your garden shots make us yearn for summer! You and your mum make us drool in anticipation of days to come! Hope the kitty finds a wonderful forever home.

  7. Delicious...and you look so cute sitting beside the mushroom your mummy made! She is very good with her hands.


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