Thursday, February 17, 2011

Some shade please!

Scarlet, Zoe and I went to Grandpaw's place yesterday. It was another hot day - but not super hot. Mum took some beef ribs so we would have something yummers to nom nom on while relaxing on Grandpaw's nice lawn.

A fresh beef rib......yummers!

This time of the day there was only dappled shade to rely on, and the wind kept blowin' it this way and that!

Mum to the rescue! She threw a tarp on the washing line for us. We wondered what on earth she was doin' first...

Ahhh - sooo much better....solids shade..... now for more nomming!

We're lovin' these ribs!

Scarlet demonstrating how hot she was.... now coolin' off on Grandpaw's tiled floor. 


  1. wow yall had a great mom you have..

  2. Putting up the tarp was a clever move! Looks like you had fun in the heat chewing on those delicious ribs!

  3. Nothing better than a cool tile floor on a hot day. Especially after getting to nom on bones.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. It's never too hot for a bone! But good thinkin' on your Mum's part.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & bella

  5. We don't think you noticed the hot day when you have those yummers to nom on!

  6. Zac Pippi and Lily are jealous of your bones so I'm off to the shops right now LUV Aunty LynnyXX

  7. SHMILY - know what that stands for? See how much I love you. See how much your Mom loves you Rubie! SHMILY is a touching story. Look it up on the net.


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